
A healthy and vibrant Immune System is the most important part to being HEALTHY.

Strengthen your Immune System to maintain your Health !
Why, what does the Immune system do?
Your immune system, when healthy:

  • detects pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi, then destroys them;

  • fights infection;

  • keeps your body clear of cells that no longer serve your purpose;

  • detects and removes dead cells;

  • detects and removes defective, pre-cancerous & cancerous cells.

  • An immune system that is underfunctioning will allow diseases such as candidiasis (thrush), chronic fatigue and cancer to take over.
    An immune system that is overfunctioning will generate conditions such as allergies, asthma, chronic sinus, rheumatism, lupus...etc.
    There are many herbs and nutrients that are reported to improve the immune function.
    [Astragalus, Echinacea, Cats Claw, Ginseng, Noni, Shitake, Reishi, Aloe, Turmeric, Garlic, Beta-Carotene, Chlorella, Spirulina, Yoghurt, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Copper, Lithium, Zinc, Selenium, Lactobacillus sp., ...the list is long.]
    Whilst these do assist with immune system health, they need the natural factor that instructs your body how to make use of them.
    This factor is provided by small amino acid groups, known as "Transfer Factors".
    As with everything else in life, our bodies peak at around age 27. From then on our strength declines, our immune system declines, our reproductive system declines, everything declines.
    With the stresses of modern life, our bodies are under seige from thousands of new synthetic chemicals, stress, polution, superbugs...

    Transfer Factors are Nature’s Natura State-of-the-Art Immune System Fortifiers
    Compare the difference.
    This chart shows the results of a study conducted by Jeunesse Inc., Institute of Longevity Medicine.
    The study examined the ability of nutrients to increase the effectiveness of the immune system.
    196 of the world's most popular nutrients were tested along with 4Life Research's Transfer Factor products.
    A 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor 437%
    B 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor 283%
    C 4Life Transfer Factor Classic 204%
    D Mangosteen 76%
    E Generic Transfer Factor 62%
    F IP6 - Inositol hexaphosphate 49%
    G Plant Polysaccharide Formula 48%
    H Echinacea 43%
    I Shiitake Mushroom 42%
    J Cordyceps Formula 28%
    K Bovine Colostrum 26%
    L Endocrine System Formula 16%
    M Aloe Vera Concentrate (acemannan) 15%
    N Noni (Morinda citrifolia) 15%