"Simplistically, transfer factor strengthens the immune system. But that is simplistic and could be used to describe a number of herbal products and other supplements. Let me answer this question, How does one discuss Transfer Factor™ in terms of structure-function claims?, by first reiterating that transfer factor is not just a single entity. Transfer factor is in fact a complex mixture containing three separate fractions. These three fractions are an INDUCER fraction, and ANTIGEN SPECIFIC fraction, and a SUPPRESSOR fraction. Since our immune systems fight the microbe wars for us, let me use a military analogy to explain these three functions. The inducer fraction serves as the drill Sergeant of basic training whipping the immune system into shape but not telling them who to go out and attack. The antigen specific fraction is like a set of wanted posters identifying critical features of the bad guys. If we were microbes these specific identifiers would be our fingerprints, mug shots, etc. Similarly a whole set of transfer factors are made against a single microbe type. Finally the suppressor fraction is like the politicians who declare an end to the war and demobilize the troops. Without this action a lot of excessive damage is done both in war and within ourselves. When our immune system does not demobilize or overreacts we suffer from autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and allergies. Unlike most immune supplements, that provide the building blocks for proper immune function, transfer factor is immune intelligence. It is immune information and education that focuses the immune system keeping it on task and effective. This is a whole new concept in immune system strengthening." ~William Hennen, Ph, D.
~ Causes For An Unhealthy Immune System Response ~
"Pollution, drug overload and nutrient-poor diets compromise our immune health. Drugs aren't the answer for immune enhancement. The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. Antibiotics used to fight infections actually depress the immune system when used long-term. But natural nutritive forces, like healing foods and herbal medicines can and do support the immune system. Transfer factor is the name of the molecules in the immune system that transfer and establish the immune system in a newborn. These molecules were first discovered in the late 40's by Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence. Transfer factors have been studied for decades by scientists from all over the world, and thousands of studies exist.
~William Hennen, Ph, D.
"Most of the chronic diseases we commonly see in animals (and humans) have an immune basis, e.g. diabetes, allergies, asthma, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, repeated ear infections, cancer, etc. While they can be cured through the careful use of homeopathy, the road to cure can be a long one -- often years if the animal has had years of disease. Transfer factors can significantly shorten the course, by giving a much needed balancing effect to the immune system. If the immune system is overactive as in allergies, ear infections, asthma, diabetes, or hypothyroidism, Transfer Factor can balance this over activity so the system is not attacking its own organs, overreacting to things that shouldn’t be perceived as a threat. If, conversely, the immune system is under-active as in mange, parasites, viral infections, or cancer, Transfer Factor Plus can clearly stimulate it to better meet the challenges it needs to be alert to."
~ Dr. Will Falconer, DVM
Who needs Transfer Factor?, From The Transfer Factor Institute-
Anyone—healthy or diseased, with a few exceptions—benefits from regular transfer factor supplementation. The use of transfer factor has resulted in no reports of serious adverse reactions, even when clinically administered in doses in excess of normal for prolonged periods.
Those with specific ailments also benefit. Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of transfer factor in eliminating or alleviating symptoms of herpes, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein Barr, hepatitis, secondary infection due to AIDS, Candida, cancer and many other disorders. Studies have also shown than continual use provides the greatest benefit with maximum immune activity occurring 24 to 48 hours after initial dosing. The need for transfer factor as an adjunct to better health stems from the growing awareness that prevention is the best source of treatment. With the increasing risks of antibiotic resistance and significant health threats, such as SARS, the medical community increasingly turns to the inherent concept of vaccines—prevention.
Transfer factors are akin to vaccines. But, rather than expose the patient’s immune system to the actual disease or a deactivated version of the same, transfer factors expose the patient’s immune system to the memory of a health threat—whether foreign or native—and the knowledge of how to best respond to protect itself.
~ Transfer Factor Has Shown Real Life Situation Improvements ~
"I have now completed a retrospective study comparing children in our practice who did not use Transfer Factor; during the same period. 87 children, age 8 months through 9 years, used Transfer Factor. We found 74% less reported illness and 84% less reported use of antibiotics." Dr. Markowitz, M.D is a general pediatrician for more than 20 years in Kennebunk, Maine with a patient base of 4,500 children, is conducting an ongoing retrospective study of patients who are consuming Transfer Factor.
~ David Markowitz, M.D
In a landmark study, Dr. H. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D. found that of 22 Autistic children, 21 improved significantly and 10 were considered to be recovered and mainstreamed in their schools following Transfer Factor treatment. After the treatment was discontinued, some showed regression, but none returned to their prior baseline levels. Dr. Fudenberg used the lymphocyte based Transfer Factor in his treatment, and while these results have been replicated using that treatment protocol, they have not been replicated using the colostrum based treatment.
"Transfer Factor is being heralded as the most exciting discovery in immunology to come along in decades. Taking Transfer Factor is like downloading immune information directly from the cow’s immune system to ours. It gives our immune Army Generals classified information about the invading enemy. It’s completely different from any mineral, vitamin or herb–it’s immune intelligence. As a physician, it is easy to tell my colleagues about this product that is scientifically based and so effective. There are hundreds of scientific studies backing up the scores of personal experiences about Transfer Factor."
Robert Robertson, M.D.
Former Emergency Room Physician
4Life Medical Advisory Board
So, what exactly is Transfer Factor™? ~
Former Emergency Room Physician
4Life Medical Advisory Board
So, what exactly is Transfer Factor™? ~
Transfer factor is an all natural substance that works by "teaching" your own immune system to identify infectious agents that attack your body every day.
Rob Robertson, MD - "Transfer factors are tiny protein molecules that are produced by immune cells called T-cells. It allows the immune system to remember conditions for which immunity has already been established. When a person has been infected, for example, with chicken pox in childhood, their body develops a memory of that illness, and prevents the person from becoming re-infected with it later in life. In the future, the specific immune transfer factor molecule for chicken pox will endow the immune system with the exact ‘blueprint’ of what chicken pox looks like, and the body will be able to quickly recognize and respond to any possible re-infection. Many of these transfer factors - or "immune memory molecules," were introduced to us from our mother’s milk or colostrum, which is the richest source of concentrated transfer factors known to scientists. Transfer factors in colostrum have the sole purpose of transferring immunity from the mother to the baby’s immature immune system. All mammals produce transfer factor, but scientists prefer to work with chicken and normal bovine colostrum. A healthy cow already produces millions of different transfer factors, but when the cow comes into contact with a pathogen such as a virus, it produces a new transfer factor for that specific virus or pathogen. For individuals challenged by specific pathogens – such as those suffering with chronic illnesses like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, supplementation with the appropriate transfer factor molecule may provide the ‘missing link,’ thereby allowing the immune system to target and destroy the offending pathogen, and mitigate the symptoms of the disease."
The two most abundant and safest sources of transfer factors come from cow colostrum and egg yolks. 4Life uses these sources in its products to harness both the broad spectrum and targeted immune benefits they provide. Both the cow and the chicken live mainly outside where they eat from the ground, drink from a shared water source, endure all types of weather conditions and contend with all the challenges that come with living in a herd. These open environments leave them exposed to a variety of germs, bacteria and viruses every day, which their immune systems must battle against and then maintain in their memory to keep them healthy throughout their lives. Fortunately, the heroic nature of their immune systems gives them the strength they need to survive.
With Transfer Factor you have the ability to borrow and utilize immune memory from the cow and the chicken so when you come in contact with the same infectious organisms, you have an incredible advantage~ your system is ready to remember, recognize and respond to foreign invaders faster and more aggressively. 4Life uses both the cow and chicken to source polyvalent, or broad-spectrum, transfer factors that provide a wide range of immune support. For targeted support, egg sources are specially farmed to benefit specific body systems. Transfer Factor represents a foundation of health for animals and humans alike. They are rare elements that remain constant, no matter what the source, and can be universally shared to strengthen immunity— to protect and enhance life.
~ Allergic To Dairy or Eggs? ~
Transfer Factor is Non-Allergenic~Transfer Factor is the result of extracting only the immune protecting "molecule" from both the Colostrum and egg yolk protein cells. Therefore, it is not like eating or drinking dairy, chicken or egg products.